Menopause Mindfulness

Join Melistic Zen


Embark on a transformative journey toward inner peace and tranquility with Melistic Zen Hive – your trusted companion for navigating the challenges of menopause.

With a single monthly subscription, gain unlimited access to our ever-expanding on-demand mindfulness library, featuring a diverse array of practices tailored specifically for calming the mind and alleviating anxiety and overwhelm during this transformative phase of life. From grounding exercises to mindful eating and sleep relaxation, discover the tools you need to cultivate inner peace and serenity – with new content updates every week to keep your practice fresh and inspiring.

Join our vibrant and supportive community, where you’ll receive gentle reminders and encouragement through our accountability WhatsApp group. With mindfulness available at your fingertips 24/7, you can cultivate a practice that brings solace and clarity to your mind, wherever you may be.

Start nurturing your mental well-being and reclaiming a sense of calm amidst the storms of menopause today. Unlock the peace, presence, and purpose that await you on your journey with Melistic Zen Hive.

One Month



One Year


2 months free!!